The scene graph nodes to use for this grabbable's appearance. Either this and volume or modelUri must be specified
If this canDropIntoContainers is true, the grabbable will drop itself into containers when appropriate. Otherwise it will return to its scene graph-specified transform when it is dropped.
Use this pose for the grabbing hand, and position the grabbable at the "grab point" of that pose.
Use this transform when this grabbable is being grabbed.
If this prop is true the grabbable will ignore all rotation other than yaw from its parent so that it is always upright.
Controls how child nodes are hidden. If showChildren is set to ShowGrabbableChildren.Always or if the grabbable has no children, this prop is ignored.
The unique-to-the-gadget id to use to link up this item with its counterparts in remote gadgets. This must be specified if the grabbable is using the NetworkedItem style.
Color to apply to the grab handle.
Uniform scale to apply to the grab handle.
The model to use for the grab handle of this grabbable. Either this prop or appearance and volume must be specified.
Called when the grabbable is dropped.
Called when the grabbable is grabbed.
If remoteInterfaceLocks is provided, the callback provided with this property is called whenever a message comes in from a remote instance of this gadget. If this gadget is the master, any events received from this callback will be from a remote gadget. If this gadget is remote, any events received from this callback will be from the master.
If this property is defined, the gadget will be shared with remote users that are in the same room as the owner. Any remote instance of this gadget will be started with provided initial interface locks.
Tells the standard grabbable when to show its children.
If this prop is specified, the user will be presented with a delete option when they activate the A menu while this gadget is highlighted. If a callback is provided, the callback will be called when the user selects delete. If true is provided, the gadget will be closed when the user selects delete.
Defines when the grabbable can be grabbed, and whether or not it counts as the topmost grabbable in the gadget.
The intersection volume to use in conjunction with appearance to determine when the user is intersecting the grabbable.
Generated using TypeDoc
Props for AvStandardGrabbable